Saturday, March 10, 2012

My reactions to people's dumb responses to me being single.

We have those family members, friends, friends' parents, nosey family friend that just can't help themselves and need to ask about our dating and relationship situation.

Here it's how it usually goes:

Them: So, seeing anybody? How's the dating going?

Me: No, I'm not seeing anybody, I enjoy being single.

Their creative and not at all repetitive responses:

But you're pretty: Umm, thanks?...I knew that but right now I feel this is being used against me, I see no correlation between being consider attractive and having a relationship, but my older relatives apparently know something I don't because this is their favorite response to my singlehood.

Really? But aren't you afraid you will end up alone? : My 20 something mind goes into full panic mode with that "I wasn't until now! Will I end up alone, bitter and perhaps crazy with a hundred cats? I don't even like cats! Can I at least switch to dogs? It would seem they'd treat me better in my old lonely age." but I keep it together on the outside and say something like, "Not at all! Being single is empowering! You should definitely try it"

And you are happy?: Oh, there's that tone, that if you don't have a guy hanging from your arm you cannot be happy tone, this one usually comes with "well, good for you!" which they don't really mean and my answer for this gem of a question comes with a wide smile and a "of course I'm happy"

Well, we'll just have to fix you up with someone! : Crap! This is a tricky one, because sometimes they will actually go through with it and do it and then you usually end up stuck in a double date when you thought you were going to the movies with a group of friends, but no, now there's a date and you have to be nice and polite even though by now your friend should know this guy is not your type but it's not his fault, so you are nice to the guy because the only one who deserves your bad mood is your so-called friend.

Yes, they mean well, they want you to be happy and have all the things they always wished for you and that you have a complete life, with a husband and kids and all of those dreams that people who care about you have dreamed for you, clearly not everyone, some actually are just nosey assholes, anyway, the thing is that all of those good intentions don't matter, particularly to our generation because even though we can be confident and sure of our happiness this type of comments can rattle our brain and our deeply hidden fears, so next time you feel like commenting with this, I invite you to not.

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